Visitors to Eagle Ranch are invited to make use of our picnic area located next to the Gift Shop parking lot. There’s plenty of parking for cars, RV’s and trucks. Picnic tables and grills are for public use.
Eagle Ranch is home to one of the original “Trail of Painted Ponies” called Apple-Oosa by artist Penny Thomas Simpson. As American as apple pie, the horse embodies the American spirit. Artists painted the ponies using a durable resin blend with designs to celebrate the creative spirit. Ponies were displayed around the state, enticing visitors to take a ‘trail drive’ to find the different ponies.
Parked near the picnic area is a 1928, one ton, International truck. This was the truck George learned to drive when he was seven years old. Back in Nebraska, farm kids were taught to drive about as soon as their feet could reach the pedals, so they could help with the farm work. As a 50th wedding anniversary gift to each other, George and Marianne had the old truck restored.
We thank you for visiting us online and look forward to greeting you in person whenever you are in our neighborhood — The Schweers Family and all the staff at Eagle Ranch and Heart of the Desert