Pistachios are packed with nutritional value; tasty to snack on and incorporate into dishes. So, they are worth protecting by storing them correctly. Correct storage makes sure you get the most value for your dollars spent. KEEPING THINGS COOL A refrigerator is the best place to store pistachios if you […]
According to the American Heart Association, people that have Type 2 diabetes are two times more likely to develop and die from cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks, strokes and heart failure, than people who don’t have diabetes. Some evidence suggests that drinking moderate amounts of red wine could lessen […]
Roughly 75 percent of the calories in a serving of pistachios come from its fat content. Before you put your bag of pistachios back into the cabinet, you need to know more about the types of fats found in these super-healthy nuts. Although one ounce of pistachios has 13 grams […]
Wine may not be the first thing you think of drinking when it comes to cookies, but why not? When milk becomes boring, and coffee and hot chocolate won’t do the trick, consider some of your favorite wines to pair with your holiday cookies. Try these sweet wine pairings for […]
Are you a fan of carrot cake? This moist, tasty cake is made even better with pistachios and makes a wonderful dessert for a holiday potluck or dinner. Pistachios are fresh during the holidays after being harvested in the early autumn. So, it’s the perfect time of year to bake […]
There are so many occasions in which we are stuck looking for a gift to give or send someone we care about. From birthdays to anniversaries, to the winter holidays, we are faced with the question of what gift should we give, bring, or send many times a year. We […]
Pistachios all around are healthy nuts and supply your body with all kinds of vitamins and minerals to help it function in a proper manner. Pistachios are tasty treats, but they’re also surprisingly good for you. There have been many studies on pistachios and how they contribute to heart health, […]
If you are a beer drinker or have just not ever explored drinking wine, there is a good chance you think you don’t like it. The one time you tried it, someone probably handed you a dry red wine, your lips puckered, and your tongue felt like the Sahara Desert. […]
Dogs are often our humble, yet eager, companions and enjoy sampling whatever we are eating. Training your dog to take the pistachio out of the shell after you’ve cracked it for them brings a smile to most pet owners. The big question is, is it ok for my pup to […]
Sure, pistachios on their own are great to snack on. Taking the time to crack them is part of the fun and slows you down so you don’t eat too many. Buying the kernels and just popping them in your mouth works too. Afterall, 49 kernels are only 158 calories. […]