Regular pistachio consumption can promote favorable changes in the diet, lower blood pressure, and contribute to weight loss in a behavioral weight loss program. Nut-loving consumers looking to lose a few pounds can feel better about keeping pistachios at hand as a result of a new study. The study, published […]
According to the American Heart Association, people that have Type 2 diabetes are two times more likely to develop and die from cardiovascular disease, such as heart attacks, strokes and heart failure, than people who don’t have diabetes. Some evidence suggests that drinking moderate amounts of red wine could lessen […]
Roughly 75 percent of the calories in a serving of pistachios come from its fat content. Before you put your bag of pistachios back into the cabinet, you need to know more about the types of fats found in these super-healthy nuts. Although one ounce of pistachios has 13 grams […]
Pistachios all around are healthy nuts and supply your body with all kinds of vitamins and minerals to help it function in a proper manner. Pistachios are tasty treats, but they’re also surprisingly good for you. There have been many studies on pistachios and how they contribute to heart health, […]
Red and purple grapes, blueberries, cranberries, mulberries, peanuts, and pistachios are sources of resveratrol. Resveratrol may be the wonder ingredient responsible for many of wine’s benefits. Interestingly, isolating resveratrol does not yield the same powers as the complete package of red wine to protect the body. You’ll have to decide if drinking […]
There have been many studies on pistachios and how they help control blood sugar. Adding pistachios to your diet if you have type 2 diabetes, are pre-diabetic or have gestational diabetes appears to be a great idea! Below are the results from studies that indicate including pistachios in your diet […]
In a study published by the New England Journal of Medicine, it was found that eating nuts, including pistachios, as part of a healthy diet was associated with decreased risk of death in both women and men, especially due to cancer, heart disease and respiratory disease. Eating pistachios may actually […]
Olive oil has been a staple of Mediterranean cultures for thousands of years, dating back to the Ancient Greeks and Romans, and it remains the most popular cooking oil in the region to this day. In fact, nutrition experts believe the Mediterranean basin is home to some of the longest-living […]
Many people are looking to improve their overall health and immunity this year—with a focus on diet as one way to do so. According to the International Food Information Council’s 2020 Year-End Survey, one in three people report their eating habits have become healthier over the past year. Which makes […]
When your product or establishment is certified Kosher, shoppers that are familiar with the emblem know that you comply with a strict policy of kosher food laws, including cleanliness, purity, and quality. Heart of the Desert pistachios are certified Kosher. What does it mean and why did we go through […]